Your Fear Monster Loves Messing With Your Wonderful Life!

Fear Monster

Oh, how your Fear Monster loves messing with you! Are you aware of the signs? When you think about being afraid, what comes to mind? Heart racing moments like when you see flashing lights in your rear-view mirror? Your future in light of a difficult health diagnosis you’ve recently received? A middle of the night…

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The Grand Goal: You Feeling Unworthy


Feeling unworthy is a common feeling, but not a fun one! It’s your Fear Monster’s goal is to repeatedly tell you that you aren’t worthy. Here’s your Fear Monster’s strategy: Convince you that you must EARN your worthiness. That keeps you focused on striving to prove your worthiness by taking on too much, seeking perfection,…

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Wow! FEAR Is A Four Letter Word!


Is fear a word you prefer not use? Or what about words like afraid or scared – do they also fit into the “don’t use” category? Perhaps, you choose language that is more palatable. Words like worried, concerned, dread, nervous, apprehensive, unsure, uneasy, doubt, anxious, stressed, uncertain, or frustrated have a better ring to them.…

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12 Sneaky Ways Fear Runs Your Life

Fear doesn’t discriminate. If you are human, you’ve grappled with it. There are phobia fears like… Flying Public speaking Heights Spiders Snakes Mice Death Commitment Pain Small cramped or crowded spaces Thunder & Lightning And there are fears that are birthed out of your imagination – beliefs that lurk in the background and limit you…

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Is Fear Keeping Your Life Tiny?

Fear shrinks your life and keeps it small! Tiny houses are all the rage! Often mobile, these wee homes that are typically between 100 and 400 square feet, rarely more than 500 square feet. That not a very big space! Perhaps, just a hair bigger than the room you had growing up! There are a…

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Solving the Puzzle of Life

Fear Puzzle of Life

Fear complicates your life! Ever feel like life is a puzzle…and a complicated one at that? One of my favorite activities is putting jigsaw puzzles together – the more pieces and the more challenging, the better. It’s an activity that allows my mind to wander and to focus. It brings me joy! Trying to fit…

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Does FEAR Got You Doing Silly Stuff?


Fear is subtle. It often goes undetected. Operating behind the scenes – the power of fear is substantial! Its sabotaging effects are undermining you personally and professionally. Being afraid is something most don’t want to admit, and yet fear does not discriminate. It Just happens! Have you ever watched a family that’s walking together? They…

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3 Signs That Your Fear Monster is Dwindling


There is no denying that fear keeps my life small, It keeps me from successfully getting where I want to be and who God created me to be! I know how my Fear Monster holds me back. It messes with my relationships, makes challenges seem insurmountable, and blocks me from boldly walking in all that…

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What’s Your Fear Monster’s Name?

Inside me is a monster; a Fear Monster! Most of the time he slumbers peacefully and goes unnoticed. The monster can hibernate for days, weeks, even months, and then suddenly be awakened! The moment the monster stirs, things begin to spin, I lose perspective, and chaos ensues. This past weekend, the monster was roused and…

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Less Conflict, More Peace

Peace – who doesn’t crave it? The idea of calm, stillness, and tranquility is incredibly appealing! Simply put, peace is the absence of conflict. As I observe those around me during the holidays, or really any time of the year, the vibe is anything but peaceful. Last week, I shared the role your personality plays…

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