Your Personality – It’s What Makes YOU Amazing!


Personality – that a fascinating topic! I marvel at how God creates wonderfully unique individuals while simultaneously adhering to a pattern. It’s mind boggling. It also blows my mind how often people are anxious about viewing the results of a DISC Personality Assessment. Sadly, some are convinced that certain personalities are bad, while other personalities…

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Kiss That Overwhelmed Feeling Good Bye!


No one is immune! I’m certain you’ve had that overwhelmed feeling at some point. It’s possible that you are feeling that way right now! You might describe the sensation as feeling buried or like you can’t keep your head above water. You might even feel paralyzed. It’s the feeling that surfaces when something feels like…

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Surprise! Are You Sabotaging Yourself This Way?

Are you sabotaging yourself as a leader by attempting to do more and more and perpetually working? It’s not unusual for leaders to have lofty goals and countless responsibilities that keep them in perpetual motion seven days a week. Sadly, it all adds up to wearing you out! There was a time when people worked…

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Beware! Are These Giants Blocking Your Success?


Success looks a little different for all of us depending on who we define it. Maybe it’s reaching a goal or building a thriving business. It might also be completing a certification or taking your sales to the next level. Perhaps success for you is about juggling life and work in a more cohesive way…

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