Creativity – A Leader’s Secret Sauce!

Refelct When it comes to leaders who are making a difference, who are the leaders that come to mind? I have a hunch that they are leaders that exhibit a whole lot of creativity! Perhaps someone like Gabe Lyons, the founder of Q Ideas, as well as Q Commons – a live learning experience that…

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5 Tips to Help You Become A Strong Leader

Leading is not for wimps! It you want to be a strong leader that’s up for the challenge, you must be intentionally work out your leadership muscles. Working out is something I truly enjoy. I know! Most people don’t get the same thrill out of it that I do. When I was at my worst…

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Your Guide to Cultivating Appreciation In The Workplace

Pay pales! Appreciation is what your team or employee’s want! Don’t get me wrong – they won’t work for free! After all, pay is way of expressing gratitude for the work they do. You might find it interesting that there are multiple surveys out there that reinforce the value of appreciation in the workplace. com…

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7 Steps to Becoming A More Consistent Leader

A consistent leader is a leader you can trust. By being consistent, they also provide predictability and stability – traits that create a safe culture. Being consistent and persistent is practically second nature for some personalities while being spontaneous, adventurous, and in the moment comes easy to others. There are positives about both approaches to…

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