How to Be More Focused, Productive, and Sane!

Do you find yourself lacking focus and filling your plate with more than you can handle? I call that the “The Taco Salad Principle.” It isn’t just what you allow your plate; it’s also what you allow to fill your mind. And when your mind is filled to overflowing, it creates stress, anxiety, and frustration!…

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Productivity Begins in Your Mind

Your mind – it’s powerful! It can work for you or against you! You get to choose! The way you think about time and what’s on your “to do“ list determines your level of productivity. Ultimately, the goal is to get more done in less time, freeing up space for those things that you keep…

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Is It Time for a New Groove?

When buying a house the three most important factors are location, location, and location. And when it comes to music, the most important thing is rhythm, rhythm, and rhythm. Without that foundational timing and groove, music suffers. My four years of piano lessons highlighted for me that musical talent was not my strength. For me,…

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