Commitment – Your Success Depends On It!

When setting out to pursue something new, big, or worthwhile, the commitment required to see it through is hardly top of mind. In that moment there are many other factors fighting for your attention. In a few days, my husband and I will celebrate 39 years of marriage together. On that memorable day back in…

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It’s Even Better If You Take Action!

Take Action!

Results, reaching goals, and so much more depends on taking action! While knowledge is power, or so some say, I would argue that it’s knowledge WITH action that’s even better. We live in an age where information is wildly abundant. It’s incredible! Just about anything you would like to know is at your fingertips or…

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Unexpected Ways To Increase Your Patience


Patience is something we appreciate and admire in others. Cultivating patience in our own lives – that feels arduous! A few years back, before our cable provider offered an incentive for us to look elsewhere for a streaming service, my husband and I encountered a technical glitch that really tried our patience. What made this…

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$64,000 Question: Being Diligent or Just Striving?

Being diligent versus striving – do you know the difference? If you aren’t a game show enthusiast, you may not know about the show, “The $64,000 Question.” Believe it or not, even before there were TV game shows, there were game shows that aired on the radio. “The $64,000 Question” was one of those shows…

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How New Adventures Lead to New Success


What would make this year a successful one for you? Whether you are reading this at the start of a new year or somewhere mid-year, it’s not too late to consider a brand-new adventure! After all, being open to new experiences naturally contributes to your success. My Definition of Success Before I go any further,…

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20 Amazing Reasons To Take More Risks

Taking risks is scary. However, when you avoid taking risks, you rarely get the results you are after. In fact, playing it safe is often very risky business! What is Risk? Risk is perceived exposure to danger or loss, the perceived probability of something negative happening. When you consider doing something risky what bubbles up…

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How To Rest Your Way To Success


Sleep and rest – Oh how I’ve come to appreciate both! In my younger and more foolish days, I skimped on sleep and rarely stopped doing. Some of that was the byproduct of being mom – I know many of you relate. Kids have a knack for disturbing your sleep and rousing you at the…

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What Are You Really Hungry For?

Are you hungry for…God? It’s not hard to tell when I’m hungry! I tend to get very quiet, my brain stops working, and concentration escapes me. And like a bear foraging for food, I get cranky! It’s not a pretty sight! When my family sees the signs, they run for cover. During our first year…

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Your Relationship Skills & Your Success At Work


Doing relationships well and success at work go hand in hand! Let’s be honest – having excellent relationship skills is a plus even if you don’t work at all! But how you interact with others is especially important if you are a leader. I’m not the first to recognize this! → Relationships are the foundation…

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Successfully Dealing With Your Fear of Success

Fear of Success

Fear of success is subtle – you might not even be aware of it. The fear of failure on the other hand – it’s more obvious; something you are more likely to admit. After all, nobody wants to fail? We see others and their strengths, accomplishments, and successes, but you have no idea what their…

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