4 Fantastic Ways to Improve Your Follow Up

Follow Up - Follow Through

Follow-up is essential to your success! Follow through – that’s absolutely necessary too if you want to get results. Perhaps you’ve experienced one or more of the following: Setting expectations, but then not following up. Attempting to build a business but failing to follow through with the necessary prospecting. Following up inconsistently is undermining your…

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7 Happy Benefits To Playing More At Work!

Recess-Play at work

PLAYING, is it still a part of your life? Your work? Remember the good ole days – back when you were in elementary school? What your favorite subject? Whether it was math, reading, science, or something else, I bet you eagerly looked forward to recess! As a kid, recess was a chance to mingle with…

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9 Things You Need to Release & Let Go!

let it go

Letting go is scary. It means leaving behind the familiar and embracing the unknown. There is the potential for loss, pain, and void. Letting go is about trusting God. After my children went left for college, my husband and I decided it was time to down size. This meant selling a house that we had…

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10 More Terrific Ways To A Happier Life

Happiness, Happy Man

Do what makes you happy! That’s the phrase I’ve heard repeatedly since writing my first blog on happiness. I’ve heard the phrase again and again on TV, in movies, online, and in books. Here’s the thing: doing what brings you pleasure in the moment rarely offers sustaining happiness. In fact, often times there are some…

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10 Ways To Enjoy A Happier Life Now


What do you believe about happiness? Is it something illusive or is it something that’s actually possible? Imagine, what would be different if you were happier? Many operate under the misconception that happiness is what you experience when you… Lose weight Make more money Get married Have children Have an empty nest Own a home…

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The Truth About Being More Decisive


Moving forward is impossible when you’re perpetually waffling. That’s why there are significant advantages to being more decisive. Not only is struggling to make decisions a time waster, it’s a confidence stealer! Indecision is normal when facing a particularly difficult decision, but when you find yourself incapable of making even small decisions, it’s an indication…

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Surprise! Are You Sabotaging Yourself This Way?

Are you sabotaging yourself as a leader by attempting to do more and more and perpetually working? It’s not unusual for leaders to have lofty goals and countless responsibilities that keep them in perpetual motion seven days a week. Sadly, it all adds up to wearing you out! There was a time when people worked…

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Working From Home Made Simple!

Working from home has been my life for the past 30 years! I wouldn’t have it any other way! With all the recent craziness, many of you have been forced to work from home without much warning! It might even be something you not too keen on if you are energized by working in the…

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An Evening Routine – Your Ticket to Greater Productivity

If you don’t have an evening routine, you are missing out! OK, it’s true, I’m a big fan of routines in general! Routines are a sequence of actions regularly followed. When followed, they assist you in regularly participating in necessary and desired actions. Routines are how I roll. Maybe the concept of routines doesn’t excite…

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