“One Word”: Better Than New Year’s Resolutions

One Word-Resolutions

Have you experienced the joy of practicing “One Word?” Or have you been making New Year’s resolutions only to have your efforts fizzle before the end of the year? 2013 Rewind to 2013 when I selected my very first One Word. At that time, according to MIC.com the top ten New Years’ resolutions were: Eat…

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Leader…Keeping Your Growing “Hat Stack” In Check?


Adding responsibilities and tasks to your life requires very little effort, especially if you are known for getting tasks done! Initially, adding a hat or two doesn’t seem like a big deal, but over time, two become four, and four becomes eight, and pretty soon the load you are carrying is in the brink of…

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Turn Your Great Expectations into Great Joy


Expectations are what you believe will happen – a certain outcome. It’s the story you’ve conjured up in your mind. That story may be fleshed out in vivid color and detail or it may be unconscious and unexpressed even to yourself, and then later sneak up and really do a number on you! When your…

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