Shh! The Secret To Getting Better Sleep!

Sleep is so very sweet! I’ve come to really appreciate sleep, but I remember being a kid and doing whatever I could to push off crawling into bed. If by chance I wasn’t successful, my favorite way to avoid having to go to sleep was to secretly read under the covers. There were many nights…

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You Are NOT Loving Your Team, Leaders!

Great leaders do two things: 1) They lead themselves well, modeling what they wish others would do. 2) They inspire others to achieve more than they ever imagined possible. While you may not consider yourself a leader, everyone has the opportunity to lead because leadership is much more than a title! If you’ve ever worked…

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Your Boundaries Are A Brilliant Blessing!


When the topic of boundaries arises, what comes up for you? Negative or uncomfortable feelings? If so, you may view boundaries as selfish, hurtful, or even rude. Or you may believe that boundaries are a means of controlling others or that they are a way of pushing people away. Perhaps the idea of setting boundaries…

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Good News to Propel You Forward!

Good News

Do you crave GOOD NEWS, especially in light of the steady stream of negativity out there? I promise – the world is not falling apart! Honestly, I don’t think circumstances are any worse than they’ve been in the past, but, thanks to social media, there are just more avenues for the bad news to travel.…

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