Growing up I wanted to be extraordinary – someone who stood out. Until I was 16, I was the oldest and the only girl among four boys in my family, so in that small way I stood out. Then, my sister was born. I wasn’t like the other kids in my neighborhood – that’s for…
Read MoreMindsets are powerful! They are either working for you or against you quietly in the background. Ordinarily, you don’t give much thought to your mindset or realize all the ways you are depending on it until…you really need it! These days, my phone is with me everywhere I go. And I’m able to do a…
Read MoreAre you a collector? For most of my life, I’ve been cheerfully collecting this and that. Rather than purchasing souvenirs on vacation, I purchased salt and pepper shakers as reminders of where I’d been. Exchanging letters brought me great joy, and my sweet Nana, who lived five hours away, consistently wrote me letters growing up.…
Read MoreNew Year’s resolutions are popular, but adopting “One Word” is significantly more powerful! Perhaps like many others in 2021 you set some new year’s resolutions. According to the Statistia Global Consumer Survey the most popular new year’s resolutions were… Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to makes those changes in your life. In fact, those…
Read MoreWhen it comes to the challenging circumstances in your life and work, do you have a knack for donning your gloves and fighting them? You know, getting riled up and frustrated – wishing things were different. Or do you accept what comes your way and seek out to creatively make the best of your situation?…
Read MoreFollow-up is essential to your success! Follow through – that’s absolutely necessary too if you want to get results. Perhaps you’ve experienced one or more of the following: Setting expectations, but then not following up. Attempting to build a business but failing to follow through with the necessary prospecting. Following up inconsistently is undermining your…
Read MoreYour thinking impacts everything! What you believe to be true determines whether thoughts impact you positively or negatively. Growing and making changes in your life personally and professionally – it all starts with the way you think! Recently I heard a story about a doctor who happened to receive a Christmas cake in the mail…
Read MoreSetting goals – that’s the easy part! Successfully achieving them – that takes dedication and effort! Think about your targets for this year. How would you rate your progress? Failure to launch! I set goals but did nothing further, or I never set them. Fizzling! I set goals and started out strong but things have…
Read MoreHaving goals and dreams is motivating and offers powerful direction. However, that motivation can quickly dissipate when you encounter snags along the way. As a goal-oriented person, I’ve learned some valuable lessons in my pursuit of my goals. In fact, chasing goals reminds me a lot of the experience I had learning to drive a…
Read MoreI crave independence and being self-sufficient – not needing anyone or anything. Then when a lightning storm hit a few ago, I discovered just how dependent I was on something I ordinarily take for granted! I happen to live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the city has worked hard to establish itself as a hub for…
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