Your Life: Passive or on Purpose?

Over the years, I’ve had the delight of teaching children of all ages, and my favorite age to work with are preschoolers. Preschoolers approach life in a way that is innocent, inspiring, and that makes me giggle! They dream big and embrace wild possibilities. Preschoolers dance, sing, or share free of any inhibitions. And with dreams and confidence still intact, they are free to be; free to trust!
Speaking of dreaming big, do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? My “dream” was to be the boss of a big company.
My daughter’s dream was to be a “party girl” – someone who had fun all the time, or a Christian singer. I witnessed firsthand many practice sessions on the fireplace hearth!
Becoming Winnie the Pooh – that was my youngest son’s dream!
When children dream, they don’t always think practically or logically. They don’t analyze whether or not their dream is doable, they just imagine!
According to an article written by Alison Doyle, the top 15 dream jobs for kids are:
- Dancer/Choreographer
- Actor
- Musician
- Teacher
- Scientist
- Firefighter
- Detective
- Writer
- Police Officer
- Astronaut
- Pilot
- Veterinarian
- Lawyer
- Doctor
For quite some time my oldest son was enamored with garbage trucks and garbage men and would race to the window to watch them work when he heard them.
Children are not held back by what others think or by what those older and wiser might view as impossible. They are also not concerned with prestige. They aren’t motivated by a desire to do something big and/or impressive – they just follow their heart!
Time has a way of spoiling dreams. The pull of day to day demands gets increasingly stronger and soon you find yourself being caught up in the current of life, passively going wherever it takes you, dreams long forgotten.
Many adults think they are supposed to think about purpose the same way children dream about what they will be when they grow up. They think they are supposed to dream big; do something that rocks the world. Yet after experiencing the rough bits of life, stepping into purpose like that can seem daunting!
What if your purpose isn’t…
What if your purpose isn’t what you DO, but who you are? Not something you have to strive to achieve, but something you already are? What if your purpose is a way of BEing?
I don’t think God is particularly dazzled by our magnificent accomplishments. I think He is delighted when we live in a way that genuinely reflects Him.
Lately, my family has been remarking how much a couple of my nieces and granddaughter remind them of me. I take that as a compliment and get a little tickled.
I think when we reflect our Father and remind others of Him, He gets tickled too!
God’s unique purpose for your life is about glorifying Him no matter what you do. That means that you can be a dancer that shines for Him, an astronaut that is lovingly brilliant, or a leader that demonstrates true servant leadership – it’s all about reflecting Him!
Your unique purpose is possible no matter what you choose to pursue. That doesn’t mean that it will be easy and that you will naturally walk in that purpose. I guarantee it will be something that you are only able to BE with God’s help.
With your unique purpose clear, being intentional becomes easier. No more drifting! The sense of significance that comes with purpose is inspiring. It has a way of captivating the attention of those around you while making a difference in their lives. Pursuing your purpose creates passion for the future too!
Are you ready to identify your unique purpose; the person God created you to BE?
1. Seek…
Yes, ask God, after all, He’s the one who designed you!
2. Pay Attention…
What traits do you admire in others? Often it’s easier to see who you were created to be when you see it in others, and more challenging to see it in yourself.
3. Consider…
The skills, abilities, spiritual gifts, personality, and passions He’s blessed you with.
4. Think…
About your life experiences; your biggest challenges often lead to your most significant contributions; ways that you can have a positive impact on others.
5. Ponder…
What you are passionate about? Consider, what makes you angry and what energizes you? What are you willing to sacrifice for?
6. Reflect…
On what you’ve done in the past that has been meaningful, fulfilling, or motivating to you.
7. Finally…
Using your imagination, determine where the intersection is – where everything is pointing to.
Imagine, if you were clear on your purpose what it might lead to! Your purpose might not be reaching the lost on a grand scale like Billy Graham did, or powerfully touching lives by loving the unlovable like Mother Teresa.
Perhaps your purpose might be loving the people in your life and praying for them. Who knows what surprising outcomes that might lead to! My sweet Nana played that role in my own life. Or your part might be to inspire, lead a business that impacts countless numbers of folks, or lead in a small non-profit in a way that impacts everyone around you in a positive way.
You can make a difference right now, right where you are! Your unique purpose will make a profound difference for the future no matter how small your part might seem.
What keeps you from pursuing your purpose? What steps do you need to take to walk more fully in who God created you to BE? How would being intentional about your purpose change your life personally and professionally?
You can be the boss of a big company, a party girl, Christian singer, Winne the Pooh (well, maybe not), or a garbage man and reflect Him! That’s exciting!
Still unsure of your purpose? Let’s work together to explore the unique person God created you to BE. Then you can BE intentional. No more passively going through life!
What did you want to be growing up? What’s your purpose – Who has God created YOU to BE?