Release the Super Creative Beast In YOU!

Wildly creative – is that how you describe yourself?
Creativity is that little something extra that brings zest and flavor to just about everything including tasks, experiences, relationships, and so much more!
One of the hallmarks of a great leader is their ability to provide a clear, compelling vision and innovative solutions to problems. Or better yet, what makes a leader great is the creativity they bring to the table.
Unfortunately, the demands of leading often snuff out creativity.
You don’t have to be a leader to know that the stress of trying to do too much, hurrying, or lacking balance stifle creativity!
Dwindling Creativity
Lacking creativity? Maybe it’s time to awaken the creative beast in you!
Perhaps you see the creativity in others but fail to see it in yourself. It’s time to shift that perspective, because you are creative! You possess your own unique brand of creativity – It’s true!
Or maybe you think that creativity is for those “artistic’ types or for kiddos with plenty of time on their hands. While both artists and children are creative, so are you!
Cultivating Creativity
Here’s the deal: Creativity makes everything more delightful! And creativity makes things more memorable and leads to superior results! Yes, please! I want that!
So, if you are tired of spinning your wheels or frustrated with the results you’re getting, it’s time to connect with the super creative beast in you! In order to do that you must carve out space! Just 15-30 minutes of creative activity makes a difference.
Here are some ways to start tapping into your creativity:
- What’s your strength? Do you have a way with words? A flair for what’s visually pleasing? A knack for creative movement, or coming up with innovative ideas or concepts? Lean into that strength!
- Creativity is a way of looking at what’s before you. How can you apply a little creativity to the tasks that aren’t your favorite? Try renaming those activities – words are powerful!
- Make uninspiring tasks a game: beat the clock or top your record – attempt to complete more today than you did yesterday. Whatever will get you going!
- Pick one of the ideas that have been floating around in your head. Give yourself permission to dream about how that idea might play out. How can you creatively overcome the challenges?
- Mix up your routine. For example, if writing a blog, start with the image if you normally start by researching or writing. Or mix up the order of your weekly meeting. You might be surprised at how small changes create better results.
- Challenge yourself to come up with not just one solution but 5, 12, or 18 potential solutions. Stretching yourself in this way forces you to consider the problem differently. And improves your results.
And Even More Ideas!
- Get in the habit of trying new things – experiment. Try reading a magazine you don’t normally read, listening to music outside your preferred style, or getting something off a menu you’ve never tried before.
- While waiting, observe one thing around you that you would change. Imagine how you might go about making that change.
- Hang out with creative people – creativity is contagious!
- Spend time with kids – their uninhibited spirits are inspiring.
- Keep an idea journal. You never know which of those wild ideas might become a reality.
- Get comfortable making mistakes, experiencing failures, and trying again! If do overs bother you, your creativity will be dampened. Instead, view those moments as opportunities to get creative!
- Rediscover the joy of playing! Build something out of blocks or using Lego bricks. Create something out of play-dough. Do something you loved doing as a child like coloring, building, or painting.
- Try creative writing! Write a short poem or story.
- Play 30 circles: Draw 30 circles on a piece of paper. Then see how many different objects you can turn them into in one minute. Think quantity over quality.
- Free associate – randomly pick a word and then write down everything you can think of related to that word.
- Imagine an event in the future, such as New Year’s Eve 2030 or your 80th
- Pick an arbitrary photo and then generate 21 possible captions for it.
Now, you might be thinking that these suggestions have nothing to do with being a creative leader, but trust me, any creativity inserted into your life naturally boosts your creativity in other areas. So, go on – awaken your inner creative genius!
Pinpointing Your Creative Voids
Because life is full and fast, the lack of creativity in your life and work often goes unnoticed. However, when you aren’t getting the results you desire or the same old problems keep popping up, that’s a big tip off that a little creativity is needed. That’s why regularly evaluating your life and work are essential. Here are some creative ways to go about that process:
- Make two lists on a sheet of paper. On one side list write down all the things you want more of in your life or work. On the other side, list all the things you want less of. Then brainstorm what needs to change and some creative ways to make those changes.
- Identify three areas in your life or your work that feel stale. Then go to work generating creative ideas to breathe new life into those stale places.
- What have you been complaining about lately? That’s a clear indicator that fear is at work! How can you creatively address your complaints?
- Where momentum missing in your life or work? Come up with 13 resourceful ways to infuse new energy there.
- Making excuses or procrastinating? Big indicators that some creativity it needed!
Coming Up With Creative Ideas
Ruts happen! Here are some innovative ways to eliminate the ruts and come up with innovative ideas:
- Brainstorm with unexpected people; people outside your team, outside your department, or in another industry who will offer a fresh perspective.
- Identify a challenge and devote 10-30 minutes a day for one week to ponder possible solutions.
- Take a walk, hike, or bike ride and consider different ways of approaching a stale area of your life or work. Moving is an excellent way to generate new ideas.
- Color or doodle while you contemplate solutions for a specific problem.
- Challenge what you know – think less like an expert and more like a newbie. Ask yourself why at least five times.
- Get visual – draw your ideas on a white board, large piece of butcher paper, or a slew of post-it notes.
- Work backward – start where you would like to end up.
- Ditch your desk and find a more inspiring location in nature, an art museum, or a quiet cozy spot.
- Step into the shoes of your ideal client, customer, or team member – look at things from their point of view.
- Work with a coach! They draw out of you what you aren’t able to tap into on your own. That’s saves time, produces better results, and that’s priceless!
Infusing your Meetings with Creativity
The dreaded meetings! What if you conducted your meetings in a way that inspired and ignited the creativity of those you lead? Imagine the impact that would have! Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
- Try communicating in your meetings with Thinking Preferences in mind.
- Have everyone share an idea that would improve how your team works together. Crumple up the pieces of paper and toss them into the center of the table. Randomly pick one of the ideas and flesh out that idea together and see what happens. Not only is this a good team building exercise but you never know what brilliant ideas might be birthed through this process.
- Ask your people to brainstorm possible solutions to a current problem beforehand. Then allow each person three to five minutes to share– all ideas are a go. After everyone has shared, come up with a hybrid solution that takes the best bits from the ideas presented.
- Meet in a new and interesting location.
- Debate solutions. Have two people debate the pros and cons of a particular idea, then switch and have the same two people argue the opposite viewpoint. Debrief and discuss what you have discovered.
- Start your meetings off with an icebreaker activity that requires imagination, resourcefulness, and most of all, creativity!
Creativity is powerful! If you truly knew how powerful, you would get up earlier, stay up later, and begin eliminating unnecessary activities to make more room for it in your life.
Beware! You may be inspired to incorporate creativity into every area of your life, but I encourage you to start small. Pick one or two areas in great need of creativity. Then take consistent and creative baby steps in that direction! You’ll be amazed by how energizing being creative is and the fruit that it produces when your creative beast is alive and well!
Where are you in need of a good dose of creativity?