Wouldn’t it be nice if working smarter was the norm? Sadly, in the frenzy of getting things done, there’s little time to examine what you are doing, why you are doing it, or if there are better strategies to getting stuff done. So, the hustle continues and the more exhausted you are! What is it…
Read MoreAuthenticity is all about being you, really YOU. No one can do you like you can! There are three fun reasons for pretending to be someone else. It’s what we do as kids – we pretend to be a fireman, a mom, or a teacher. That kind of pretend play is positive. It allows children…
Read MoreGratitude? Well, here’s the honest truth: I’m naturally a critical person. I have a tendency to focus on what’s wrong, what needs to be fixed, or what could be better. With that kind of focus, it’s nearly impossible to be grateful! An eye for possible improvements isn’t all bad. It’s a strength when applied to…
Read MoreBalance requires that you perpetually be in motion – adjusting to keep from toppling over! Being Grammy is amazing! I get to enjoy the aspects of being a mom that I loved so much without sacrificing my sleep, sporting snot and spit up on my shoulder, or being late because of an unexpected explosion. Next…
Read MoreCommunicating well is no easy task! A few years back when flying was less complicated, I had an interesting encounter with the man sitting next to me. It only took a few minutes to figure out that the man sitting next to me on my flight home had a lot on his mind. He began…
Read MoreAre you suffering from a bad case of the shoulds? Are you saying things like I should… have a better job. lead more like so and so. have more friends. be making a bigger difference. lose 15 pounds. be more organized. be married. I should… Or maybe your version is more about what you shouldn’t…
Read MoreFear complicates your life! Ever feel like life is a puzzle…and a complicated one at that? One of my favorite activities is putting jigsaw puzzles together – the more pieces and the more challenging, the better. It’s an activity that allows my mind to wander and to focus. It brings me joy! Trying to fit…
Read MoreThe benefits of exercise are plentiful! It’s not just for gym rats or CrossFit junkies – it’s for you too! In fact, if there was one change you could make that would positively impact every other area of your life, it would be the addition of exercise to your life. Skipping exercise is risky! It’s…
Read MorePoverty is real. Did you know that 689 million people live in extreme poverty worldwide, many surviving on less than $1.90 a day? According to povertyusa.org, in the United States 42,510,843 people lived in poverty in 2019. That’s 13.4%. These figures are expected to dramatically increase as a result of the pandemic. I don’t want…
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