Face The Unknown With Greater Confidence

How is navigating the unknown different from embarking on an adventure?
Adventures are typically exciting, new, along with an element of risk. Even if the adventure requires a leap of faith, an adventure is characterized by a “want to” because an adventure is something you choose to pursue.
The Unknown
Plunging into unfamiliar territory without a map or a guide while wearing a blindfold – that’s what the unknown feels like! It’s disorienting, unexpected, and may even feel threatening.
The hallmark of the unknown: it’s typically something you are thrust into rather than something you choose.
Navigation Tools
Tools for navigating have changed and improved in remarkable ways over the years. Shortly after graduating from college, I worked as a sales rep and my Thomas Guide was a lifesaver!
For those of you who are too young to know about Thomas Guides or didn’t live on the west coast, Thomas Guides were spiral bound street maps for specific areas. I had a Thomas Guides for Santa Clara, Santa Barbara, San Louis Obispo, and Ventura Counties to cover my sales territory.
I heavily relied on my Thomas Guides to help me successfully arrive at my sales calls. The night before, I would map out the most efficient route for calling on my customers. If I ran into roadwork or other obstacles, it meant pulling over and examining the options in my Thomas Guide. It was a time intensive process further complicated by searching for a phone booth whenever I needed to update a customer if I was running late.
Navigating Back Then
Navigating was a very different process back then!
It’s still possible to purchase Thomas Guides, but I suspect their popularity has waned. Now that everyone has a cell phone equipped with a GPS or a car with a navigation system, getting where you want to go is a breeze!
If only it was that easy to navigate life in the unknown!
Whatever unknown you are currently facing, here are some thoughts to help you navigate the unknown with greater confidence:
1. We All Encounter the Unknown at Some Point!
If you are roaming in unknown territory right now, you are not alone! I’ve been there too. Here is a small sampling of my unknowns:
- A miscarriage with my first pregnancy and the uncertainty around whether or not I would ever be a mom.
- My daughter suddenly dealing with an unexplainable life-threatening illness that went on for seven years.
- Wonky work situations where it was hard to see the forest for the trees.
- Contracting Lyme disease – a nearly two-and-a-half-year adventure!
- Moving to a new state – something I’ve done more than once!
- A tornado downing tree on our home
Do you know what’s surprising? The most difficult and challenging unknowns for me have been experiences I wouldn’t trade. They have turned out to be valuable learning experiences, character building, and made me wiser. Bonus: Those experiences have enabled me to help others going through something similar.
One thing that’s guaranteed as you journey through life: you will encounter the unknown!
2. One Step at A Time!
God typically gives instructions for the next step. Until I take that step, God rarely provides further instructions. Unlike my GPS, God whispers and, thankfully, doesn’t relentlessly repeat “recalculating” until I comply!
Remember how God told Abraham to leave his country and his family to go to a new land? God didn’t include detailed directions, just the promise that He would show Abraham his new home town. God did exactly that bit by bit. (Genesis 12:1-3)
You and I have the luxury of seeing an overview of Abraham’s life. I see the wrong turns Abraham made and how God kept His end of the deal. That gives me great hope that He will do the same for me! I trust it encourages you too!
3. Of Course It’s Fuzzy!
By definition the unknown is unclear. It may even feel like you are going in circles or back tracking a time or two!
Imagine the faith it took for Abraham to set out to find his new home when absolutely everything was fuzzy! That’s a step of faith!
It seems silly, but simply admitting that the unknown is fuzzy invites me to relax, settle into going slow much like I would if I were driving through a foggy patch!
4. It Feels Like Forever!
I know that God’s timing is perfect, but sometimes it feels like you’ve been in the unknown…FOREVER!
The longer you linger in the unknown, the more you are tempted to take matters into your own hands and make something happen. Have you been searching for an easier way? Tried a shortcut?
Your attempts to rush through the unknown only seem to keep you there longer!
God’s ways are higher and ultimately better, IF you are willing to wait patiently and trust Him.
5. Let Go!
Guess what – you don’t have control in the unknown and it’s anything but comfortable!
If you prefer comfort, stability, or what’s familiar, the unknown is a hard place to be. It’s also quite challenging if you are fond of being in control!
The unknown is a wonderful opportunity to practice surrendering, trusting, growing, and a host of other positive life skills that naturally increase your resilience!
6. God’s Voice Often Seems Silent
Maybe you truly have been seeking God diligently about your next step, but it feels like God’s gone quiet. You relate wholeheartedly to the many psalms where the writers are pleading for God to “hear my cry” or urging God to “listen.”
Do you trust Him enough to keep seeking Him? Like most humans, you probably interpret communication voids negatively even though they typically aren’t.
If you haven’t been seeking Him, then it’s time to reconnect with Him and lean into His Word.
Or if the last set of instructions you received from God were too far outside of your comfort zone and you’ve ignored them or done nothing, it’s time to heed those instructions.
Remember, you aren’t alone. God’s there to help you every step of the way, even when you don’t feel or hear Him.
7. Wrong Turns Are Inevitable
A GPS quickly notices when you’ve made a wrong turn and makes adjustments to get you back on track.
God also understands that wrong turns happen or that you might miss a turn here or there. He even gets that at times you are too afraid to follow. When you are ready, He’s there to help you get back on track!
Ultimately, God wants you to trust Him and rely on Him like you rely on your GPS. And unlike your driving detours that waste precious time and gas, nothing is wasted in your real-life detours. God uses everything for your good and His glory.
8. God Keeps on Loving You!
Life’s circumstances have the potential to thrust you into the unknown. A lost job, a deal gone south, a failed business, an unexpected health issue, a loss of resources, a marriage ending, tornado damage, are just a few examples of such circumstances.
When in the depths of the unknown, it’s critical remember that God’s got you, He’s loves you – truly loves YOU, and that He’s still in control and helping you navigate the way even when it doesn’t feel like it!
Don’t forget, the enemy loves it when you lose sight of how much God loves you!
9. Keep Trusting God
God’s heart is for you. He wants the best for you, even when it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. Will you trust Him?
He’s always up to good! Will you choose to see the powerful ways He’s at work?
Not knowing exactly where you are going is unnerving, however, God is far more reliable than your GPS. Trust Him to successfully help you journey through the unknown!
10. Stay Connected
You would never leave your GPS at home and still expect it to lead the way! When navigating the unknown you hold God responsible for guiding you but rarely or inconsistently connect with Him. That’s why it helps to…
- Be in the Word daily to be reminded of His faithfulness!
- Slow down and create space to hear His voice and notice what He’s saying to you.
- Saturate your life with scripture – post key verses around you – on your phone, mirror, computer, etc. Memorize scrioture. Keep it fresh in your mind. Meditate on it.
- Regularly journal – it’s a great place to jot down all the many ways God has been faithful as well as any next steps He’s shared with you. Simply the process of writing your thoughts down is helpful, but even more importantly your words serve as great reminders. They are uplifting reminders to read in discouraging moments.
- Ask others to pray for you.
- Work with a coach to help you confidently navigate the unknown. A coach doesn’t replace God, they point you to God, and help you remain connected to Him along the way.
You will encounter unexpected and unfamiliar experiences – the unknown is a part of life! That doesn’t mean that you have to face those experiences timidly.
How will you navigate the unknown with greater confidence?
© Can Stock Photo / Aleutie