Practicing Self-Care is Just Super Smart!


Deep down you know that practicing self-care makes sense. At the same time, investing in yourself often feels like more of an indulgence than a necessity, especially in a world that glorifies hustle, productivity, and a crammed schedule.

Add that to the whispers of your Fear Monster telling you that “You don’t have time for caring for yourself – you need to strive more to be enough, to matter, to be more competent, and/or to prove your worth. etc.”

And let’s not overlook all the energy you put into reaching your goals and achieving something big in hopes that it will lead to feeling greater significance, gaining recognition, or feeling worthy.

Self-care seems to be the first thing that gets pushed down to the bottom of the list, yet practicing self-care is super smart! When you take the time to care and invest in yourself it’s actually a smart, maybe even a brilliant strategy that improves your mental well-being, emotional state, and physical health. Plus, taking the time to nurture yourself enhances your resilience, boosts your creativity, and makes you a whole lot more fun to be around!

Not only is self-care smart – it’s essential!

What is Self-Care?

It’s about regularly engaging in activities that lead to a better you physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, mentally, and more!

Self-care is preventative. You would never dream of letting the fuel run out in your car because you have too much to do. You know if you don’t keep your car full of fuel, there will be consequences. It will cost you time and have the potential to put you in an unfortunate situation.

Taking it a step further, what if you simply ignored the maintenance in your car or truck altogether? You might be able to limp along for a little while neglecting your means of transportation, but ultimately such neglect leads to expensive repairs that seem to pop up at the most in opportune moments. So, what makes you think it’s different when it comes to caring for and fueling YOU?

Self-care is something you do to keep stress and burn out at bay, not something you turn to after it’s taken a toll on you.

Loving yourself well so that you are able to love others well – that’s self-care. You only value others to the extent that you value yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s a means of fueling yourself so you are better able to pour into others.

Practicing Self-Care, But…?

Before self-care will become a regular part of your life you must get past…

  • Feeling guilty for making yourself a priority
  • Letting stress and the pressures of deadlines, goals, and expectations dictate your life
  • Keeping yourself perpetually in motion and/or overpacking your schedule
  • Being overly focused on being productive
  • The notion that your identity or worth is found in what you “do” not who you are
  • Ignoring your limits, feelings, and needs
  • Thinking that self-care is selfish
  • Trying to please and make everyone else happy
  • Attempting to be perfect

It makes sense then, that the converse of each of the above creates space for healthy self-care.

Slowing down, being more self-aware, knowing what you are feeling, and what you need – these are all powerful precursor to enjoying more self-care in your life. For some, that’s challenging to do. It takes practice.

The Price for Not Practicing Self-Care

Not investing in self-care is costly! It takes a toll on nearly every aspect of your life!

Here are some telltale signs that it’s time to incorporate a little more self-care into your life:

  • Feeling depleted, burned out or exhausted
  • Neglecting areas of your life you say are important
  • Avoiding activities that you previously enjoyed
  • Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or moody
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Skipping meals, exercise, or other “healthy habits”
  • Allowing zero time for creativity, fun, or other “unproductive” activities
  • Comparing, judging, or being critical of yourself
  • Feeling resentful or irritable
  • Not wanting to get out of bed
  • Lacking patience
  • Being anxious or meditating on negative things
  • Overextending yourself again and again
  • Losing your identity, desire, and/or direction
  • Not feeling satisfied with your accomplishments
  • Neglecting your personal needs
  • Physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, or frequently getting sick
  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling joy

Paying attention to these signs and responding with compassion and care towards yourself is actually what self-care is all about! It evolves and changes from day to day depending on what you need, so it’s essential that you stay in touch with YOU! What do you need from YOU, right now?

The Paradox

If you press on in a depleted state, not only will everything take longer and become more taxing, but your efforts also become less and less fruitful!

Regularly practicing self-care does take time, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, there are many ways to nurture yourself that are totally FREE and don’t cost a dime. They just require you to be intentional and disciplined.

Consider the possibilities: getting the rest you need, giving yourself permission to call a friend, exercising, listening to music, journaling, reading a great book in the tub, or being creative – whatever it is that fills you up and nourishes YOU!

Self-Care & Your Fear Monster

Whenever you operate out of fear – attempting to matter, feel like enough, prove you are competent, or be extraordinary – you end up experiencing the very fear you were attempting to avoid.

Your Fear Monster might have another name (I am incompetent, I am ordinary, I am rejected, etc.), but whatever it is, it will lure you into focusing inward in an unhealthy way and worrying about mattering or measuring up, or being enough. But when you are operating out of who God created you to be, your focus becomes outward – how you will be LOVING (or Authentic, Beautiful, Generous, etc.) to yourself and others.

Your Fear Monster keeps you from practicing self-care by making you think it’s selfish, that you don’t have the time, or that it won’t matter if you skip self-care altogether. All lies!

When you are operating from a filled-up place rather than from a depleted place, you are more productive, enjoy more fulfilling relationships, better health, and so much more!

Self-Care & Who God Created You To Be

The concept of self-care makes logical sense, but did you know that it’s actually a means of walking out who God created you to be? It’s true! God has created you to reflect Him in a specific way, including being:

Loving, Compassionate, Authentic, Courageous, Focused, Creative, Accountable, Beautiful, Servant, Selfless, Generous, Trusting, Dependable, or _________________________.

Have you identified who God’s created you to be?

God created me to be LOVING. That’s something I’m only able to be with His help. And in order to truly be loving to others, I must fully receive the love God has for me and be willing to be love myself! I can’t give away what I am not willing to give to myself. That translates into self-care. The bonus, walking in who God created me to be is also the amazing antidote to fear and your Fear Monster!

For you, who God created you to be might be different. Perhaps God created you to be selfless. Now that’s one that often trips people up. Being selfless is about giving without looking for anything in return. That’s the way that God loves you – without expecting anything back. It’s His free gift to you!

In the same way, are you willing to give to yourself in healthy ways that no one will notice, acknowledge, or celebrate?

The truth is if you aren’t investing in yourself, you won’t be able to selflessly give to others either.

Summing Things Up

Self-care boils down to a way of thinking and being that contributes to your overall well-being making it possible for you to pour into others in meaningful ways. After all, if you don’t care for you, who will?

Being a good steward of what God’s given you – at its core, that’s what self-care is!

Self-care also leads to greater focus and productivity too. And so much more!

That’s why self-care is super smart!

How is your Fear Monster causing you to skimp on self-care?


For inspiration on creative ways to practice self-care, download 119 Ways to Practice Self-Care here.

Marvae Eikanas

Marvae Eikanas is an author, entrepreneur, ICF certified coach, Career Direct Consultant, DISC consultant, and HBDI practitioner. She helps her coaching clients sharpen their skills, face their fears, eliminate funky mindsets, hone their habits, and cultivate clarity so they can THRIVE personally and professionally. Schedule a consultation with Marvae here.

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