Do you crave GOOD NEWS, especially in light of the steady stream of negativity out there? I promise – the world is not falling apart! Honestly, I don’t think circumstances are any worse than they’ve been in the past, but, thanks to social media, there are just more avenues for the bad news to travel.…
Read MoreYour body is sending you messages – are you ignoring what it’s trying to tell you? Far more than just an “earthly home” for you to dwell in, God has masterfully designed your body in such a way that if you’re paying attention, it’s offering a wealth of information! Warning Systems God has cleverly…
Read MoreProcrastinating – we all do it from time to time on tasks that feel hard, confusing, challenging, or uncomfortable. However, if you find yourself engaged in a pattern of procrastinating then it’s time to dig in, investigate what’s motivating that pattern, and address it. As I observe my six grands, it’s obvious that they love…
Read MoreOne way of explaining resilience is… the ability to handle adversity, challenges, stress, and the strong emotions that come along with those difficulties well. With resilience, you are able to successfully navigate what life brings your way and thrive rather than just survive. Who doesn’t want to increase their odds of thriving despite life’s challenges?…
Read MoreAre you living free and fearlessly? Or are you held hostage by your own invisible fences that are keeping your life small? Fences & Foxes Fences are few in my neighborhood. In fact, solid fences are a no-no according to our Homeowner Association rules, which is why invisible fences are so popular. Yet, despite of…
Read MorePerspectives are powerful! While quietly operating in the background, they play a major role in how you experience and respond to the world! What is Perspective? Perspective is the lens with which you view everything and it influences the meaning you make. It’s your way of thinking about and understanding a topic like success, life,…
Read MoreWhen it comes to your leadership, what qualities do you want to linger after someone has an encounter with you? If you are a leader, professional, or entrepreneur this is worth considering. And if you don’t happen to fit into those categories – that question is still a helpful one. The impression or feelings people…
Read MoreIt’s common to focus on the externals – what others see, but it’s actually what’s inside you that really matters! You know – the stuff that’s hidden, but really holds you altogether personally and professionally! While learning to sew doesn’t seem as in vogue these days, I was eager to learn. I tackled my first…
Read MorePacing makes all the difference! One of appealing aspects of living in Chattanooga is all the amazing hiking options. Recently my husband shared one of his favorite hikes with me that is mere miles from our home. It was a perfect day for hiking – happy warm like spring is here in the south rather…
Read MoreFeeling unworthy is a common feeling, but not a fun one! It’s your Fear Monster’s goal is to repeatedly tell you that you aren’t worthy. Here’s your Fear Monster’s strategy: Convince you that you must EARN your worthiness. That keeps you focused on striving to prove your worthiness by taking on too much, seeking perfection,…
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