Conflict – what a wonderful world it would be without it! Louis Armstrong sang in his unmistakable voice: “I see trees of green and red roses too, I see them bloom for me and for you, and I think to myself what a wonderful world”. Yet a world free of conflict – now that sounds…
Read MoreThe communicating effectively is an essential skill for navigating life both personally and professionally. Even though we communicate daily, it’s rare to meet someone who has truly mastered the art of communication. Life skills, like communication, are caught more than taught. Did you have people in your life who were amazing examples of how to…
Read MoreOverloading your plate – that’s what I refer to as “The Taco Salad Principle”. Curious why I’ve dubbed it that? Well, it donned on me in the midst of a family gathering! You see, my family is quite a diverse crew. Some eat dairy, some don’t. These two love tomatoes, the others prefer to skip…
Read MoreA little dose of creativity and just about everything is better! Creativity is a key factor in how you lead, approach a project, or even organize your day! But how do you rev up your creativity when you need it the most? It starts with a shift in perspective! Consider Bunnies Counting bunnies – that’s…
Read MoreValues – among coaches it’s a popular topic, but to be honest, prior to my coach training, I’d never given my values any thought. I’m guessing you probably haven’t either. Now that I’ve been coaching for going on twelve years, I’ve discovered that knowing your values and more mindfully operating out them is quite nifty!…
Read MoreJournaling is a wonderful way to clear your mind, capture powerful thoughts, and come to some amazing realizations. In light of such positive perks, it’s disheartening that more don’t make an effort to journal! Many leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs would benefit greatly by carving out space to journal. No doubt, that investment of time improves…
Read MoreMicromanaging is a common problem among leaders. While you might not consider yourself a micromanager, it isn’t as clear cut as you might think. While some leaders are bona fide micromanagers at the extreme end, most leaders cling to control in a few areas. Where might you need to release a bit of control? When…
Read MoreBeing the “best version of you” or your “best self” is something I think we all desire to some degree, even if we aren’t actively seeking that out. The mystery lies in what is that “best version” of you? How do you consistently operate from that “best self” place? Ironically, in the midst of writing…
Read MoreConfidence isn’t something that you have or you don’t, but rather something that you have in some situations and lack in others. Some days you feel confidence surge and other days it’s like your confidence has been drained right out of you! It comes and goes! When you are feeling confident, everything is easier! There’s…
Read MoreTrying to stuff too much into my schedule is a weakness for me! I’ll go stretches where I keep what I’m doing in check, but soon I’m back to super packed status. It’s quite painful! I had the privilege of studying abroad one summer after sophomore year in college. It was an amazing learning experience!…
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