Success and Learning to Trust the Process

“Trust the process” was a phrase that was repeated over and over again during my initial coach training. It was a reminder to surrender to the various steps that were being taught even when they didn’t make sense and believing that in the end, everything would become clear. Guess what, it did!
Trust the process is a valuable phrase for life and work too!
Trusting The Process In My Work
It’s hard to believe it, but my self-employment adventure began more than 31 years ago when my kids were very young. While being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, I adore the ways it allows me to be creative and the freedom and flexibility it offers!
Self-employment is not without its challenges however! Sometimes it requires you to do tasks that aren’t your favorite or that don’t come easily to you. And because there are no regular paychecks, you truly do have trust the process!
Over the years, my concept of self-employment has shifted into being “God-employed” rather than “self-employed” because in reality, I don’t work for myself, God is my boss. I like it that way.
It’s quite comforting to know that God’s in control and guiding me. In His infinite wisdom, He is connecting me to the people He has hand-picked for me to work with. He is molding me and shaping me in ways that enable me to better reflect Him and bring Him glory.
God knows even better than I do what’s best for me and my business. While I need to faithfully do my part, I don’t have to strive and make it all happen because I can trust His process.
God Meets Me Where I’m At
Unlike many human bosses, God cares about me – my hopes, dreams, and fears. I don’t have to hide my frustrations or disappointments – He meets me where I’m at.
So often, I start my day armed with a plan, a list of to dos to tackle, and the energy and focus to get them done, and before I know it the day to takes on a life of its own! Maybe you’ve experienced that phenomenon yourself where one unexpected thing after another takes your day in a whole new direction.
I don’t always trust the process. Sometimes when my day takes a wild turn, I fight back by working harder and longer. By sheer grit, I will get done what I set out to do, although I know from experience how exhausting that is.
However, when I do surrender and trust that God knows what He’s doing and that believe that He’s for me and that He has my best interests at heart, it makes a very positive difference!
Sometimes I get discouraged, which only clouds my thinking and affects the quality of my work. When I’m discouraged…that’s when trusting the process is most necessary.
Sometimes I get angry – beware if you are near! God whispers to me, “You work for Me, remember? Trust Me. Will you trust the process, trust My process?
The Burden of Success
Being wildly successful is a burden that God continues to free me from. Not only has He redefined success for me, He’s also taught me to appreciate the flexibility I have in my work and the many opportunities He’s granted me. What a blessing it is to be able to positively impact and make a difference in the lives of others.
Trusting the process and staying in step with Him allows me to slow down and relax. His pace – it’s much, much slower than mine and considerably more strategic and fruitful!
My Way Versus His Way
When I’m running the show, productivity is my goal and that comes naturally to me.
Slowing down and fully embracing the interruptions that come my way – that’s a stretch. To “trust the process” in those moments means fully depending on Him – I think God likes that! When I relax and give my full attention to the crazy interruptions that pop up, that’s when I demonstrate my confidence in His way, His process. While things might not make sense in the moment – there’s a reason for what’s happening.
I can’t say that I’ve mastered surrendering to Him, but I’m growing. It’s a day by day, minute my minute, adventure!
What I can say is that trusting the process has taught me so much! Here’s a sampling of the lessons I’ve learned:
1. Keep My Eyes on Him
It’s only when I’m trusting the process that I’m able to keep my eyes on Him. Just like Peter who stepped out with great faith and successfully walked on water until the stormy sea was his focus, then doubt immediately crept in and he began to sink! In the same way, I sink when my eyes are not focused on God.
During the birth of my three kids, having a focal point was and incredibly beneficial way to manage the pain. Fixing my eyes on an object or focusing on a mental picture naturally enhanced my ability to relax and concentrate. Keeping my eyes on Jesus does the same thing when life feels out of control or the future feels uncertain. Focusing on His faithfulness and His unconditional love for me dramatically changes my perspective.
Bottom line, I’m to live from Him, not for Him. Keeping my eyes fixed on Him reminds me that He is my source.
2. Make Space for Him
As the queen of productivity, checking things off my list brings me great joy! However, I’m learning to find the same kind of joy in the surprises – even those that feel like disappointments that come my way. Spending consistent time with Him each morning makes that easier. When I make starting my day with Him a priority it not only demonstrates that I trust Him, but I am also getting to connect with the One who loves me most. That’s a game-changer!
3. Love Others
It’s nearly impossible for me to pursue my goals with gusto and love well. When tasks become my priority, my relationships suffer. It’s a delicate balancing act to do both – something I’m only able to do with God’s help and when I trust the process enough to pause and love those around me.
4. Stick To My Priorities
My priorities are to: 1) serve my family, 2) influence and make a difference in the lives of leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs. My priorities get out of whack when I don’t trust the process. Fear has a funny way of doing that!
5. Be Still
Being in motion comes naturally to me and being still is a struggle. Yet, when I’m still, God does big things! It’s actually pretty crazy what He’s able to accomplish when I am still!
Now that’s not a reason for me to sit back and be complacent, but rather a reason for me to be faithful with what’s He’s given me to do AND to regularly take time to be still. Time to rest.
6. Trusting The Process Requires Faith
Yielding my day to God and trusting that each and every little hiccup I encounter is a gift from Him is something I’m still learning to fully embrace. It takes faith! Yet the more I see His hand in my life and work, the easier it gets to trust Him. It all hinges on my trusting Him and having faith that…
- God loves me, really loves me!
- He is for me, not against me!
- God is actively working on my behalf!
- Even though I don’t know how it will all work out, He does.
- I don’t have to strive and wear myself out in order to achieve my goals.
- It’s OK for me to take time to rest, relax, reflect, and take care of myself.
- I don’t have to compare myself to anyone else’s journey – I’m where I’m supposed to be.
- He sees me as valuable and it isn’t dependent on what I do
I often want to fast forward, skip this part, or force things to happen. Meanwhile, God is eager for me to relax, trust Him, and let Him be in charge – give Him space to work! And to not forget that I am “God-employed.”
You may or may not be self-employed like I am, but no matter what position you find yourself in, you too are “God-employed!”
What would change for you if were trusting the process?
Originally posted on 1/24/17, this post has been updated a revised just for you!
I read I John this week, and came away with something that ties in to what you addressed here. The commands to love and not sin, walk in the light, etc are spoken as a father to his child, not a taskmaster to his slave! It occurred to me that those commands aren’t burdensome when I’m trying to please my Father in all respects instead of focusing on getting through my to-do list as the ultimate goal. I think people in leadership roles rarely err on the side of being nonproductive! I struggle with slowing down and simply being–and realizing it is enough. I like the phrase you used, “God-employed.” I want to remember that when I start each day!
Yes! God does view us as His beloved children. That perspective changes everything!
I agree – leader types thrive on productivity – at least I know I do! It is the slowing down and being dependent that is a real stretch! And just when I think I have the hang of it… a day pops up that reminds me I am still working on fully trusting Him enough to go slow, “be”, and truly trust Him.
Thanks for chiming in April!
Thank you, Marvae!
As a fellow Biblical Life Coach, I’ve been struggling with the “business” side of things and trying to understand God’s seeming “slowness” in my effectiveness. However, this year, His word for me IS “slow”… and I was amazed at your words’ directness for my heart to remember, yet again, that He is the One directing this, not me.
Thanks for stopping by Becky! I totally relate! God does seem incredibly slow sometimes! I am learning in the waiting to pay more attention to the details… the little things right in front of me that need my attention… that are a reflection of my heart and my trust in Him. As I am REFRESHING my focus… that’s my One Word for this year… I am seeing how He is at work and His strategy is quite a bit different from mine… and certainly not what you will find plastered all over the web, but it is effective!
May He bless your coaching as you surrender more and more to Him!
Oh gosh, I loved this “I am God employed”… Man I SO needed that tonight. In these moments of waiting to see what will happen in the days and weeks of this business it’s easy to wonder if I am where I am supposed to be. Did I really hear God on this? Especially when the bills start rolling in and my full time income is missed.
You have been so very gracious to me on those days when I have interrupted your day with my “chats”.
So cool to think of God as my employer! Thank you for that!
So blessed by our conversations!
Delighted to hear that this was just what you needed to hear Julie! I know God is up to some great things in your life. What’s tricky… He is not always on board with where we think we should go… but is taking us where He knows we need to go. That process can be quite an adventure! One that you just have to trust what you heard in the beginning and continue to follow His lead.