Happy Rhythms That Really Increase Your Productivity


Productivity is a popular topic! The idea of getting more done in less time is quite attractive, especially in light of the tendency to take more and more on.

There are dozens of hacks out there aimed at helping you be more productive, but I want you to think in terms of a mindset. That’s where real change begins! What kind of groove would bring more joy to the work you need to get done?

Think about it: when you are focused on all the many tasks that need to be accomplished, it weighs on you like a ton of bricks.

However, by shifting your mindset and facing your work with a flow that brings you joy, not only will you get more done, you will have more fun and be more consistent too!

A Key Factor When It Comes To Productivity

If you are eagerly searching for ways to increase your productivity, then welcome to the concept of rhythms! What do I mean by “rhythm?” Musically, rhythm is the pattern of sounds, silence, and emphasis in a song – the cadence of the notes.

Your rhythms in life, then, are comprised of the order in which you do various activities, the length of time you engage in those activities, and the space between the activities. And just like in a song, greater emphasis is placed on the most impactful activities.

You may already have some rhythms at play in your life, although you may refer to them as your routines or grooves you follow. But what if you were more intentional about creating rhythms in your life and work?

The Best Rhythms in Life

Ever noticed how some songs get stuck in your head and linger? There’s a reason for that! In the same way, when your life rhythms have certain qualities, you are much more likely to repeat them. The best rhythms…

  • Bring you joy! They make you happy, are fun, and catchy.
  • Honor your values, personality, and who God created you to be.
  • Reflect your current priorities.
  • Spark your creativity and energize you.
  • Are simple.
  • Help you be more consistent in critical areas.
  • Increase your productivity.
  • Successfully bring you closer to achieving your goals.

It turns out that the best rhythms are inherently beneficial!

Rhythms Are Personal

Your rhythm might not be mine, and my rhythm might not be yours. It’s important to find rhythms that work for YOU.

Because we both work from home, we have more flexibility than most in our schedule. While my preference is to ease into my day which I’ve described for you here, my husband prefers to get in a few hours of work before breakfast because that’s when he’s at his best. To fend off a lag in energy in the afternoon, he frequently exercises around noon while I prefer to work out before breakfast and beginning my work day.

For you to be most productive, what rhythm works best for you?

The Beauty of Rhythms

Some people prefer to work on a more scheduled basis, assigning a specific task to be done at 9:00am, another task at 10:00am, and so on. If that works for, I say go for it!

I find that feels restrictive and far from energizing or fun! Because of the nature of my work as a coach, I’m bound by the the meetings I have scheduled with clients and potential client, however, there are plenty of other tasks that need to be done. For those tasks, I prefer to follow a rhythm that allows me to be more flexible because that’s the beauty of rhythms.

Rhythms allow you to slow down or speed up depending on the time that’s available. For example, I typically respond to emails first, then tackle something on my list before meeting with my first client. That may fill an hour or if my first client happens to be a bit later in the day, I may respond to emails and then tackle more than one task on my to do list.

Another perk to rhythms is that if a particular rhythm no longer serves you, you are free to make adjustments by adding activities or deleting them. It’s the flow that matters!

You may find that having a variety of rhythms serves you best! You may have a Monday, Wednesday, Friday rhythm, a travel rhythm, a weekend rhythm – the possibilities are endless. I reserve my Mondays for administrative tasks so that I’m able to work freely the entire day without the interruption of meetings. That allows me to bring my best self to my clients the rest of the week.

Rhythms For Work

What if you were to implement some work day rhythms?


While the way you spend the bulk of your day might not be “work” in the traditional sense, the same principles apply. Let’s flesh out in more detail some work related routines:

1. Your Start Your Work Day Routine

What would send you the message that it’s time to buckle down and get serious about work? Is it…

      • Instrumental music and a piping hot cup of coffee?
      • Silence – turning off music, phones, even the sound on your computer?
      • Tidying up your desk while sipping tea?
      • Lighting a candle or diffusing essential oils?
      • Deleting all “junk” emails?
      • Reading an article that’s inspiring, growth related, or pertinent to your field of work?
      • Or???

Whatever it is, choose something that sets the course of your day in a happy direction.

2. Your Planning Routine

When your plate is overflowing, it’s tempting to skip this step and dive straight into work. Even though it’s counterintuitive, taking the time to make a list of all that needs to be done, prioritizing your list, and being strategic about the flow of your day makes a difference.

Make it a habit to plan and prioritize.

Remember that planning isn’t just a daily event but also a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly rhythm. It’s even something you need to do on the fly as your day progresses! If prioritizing is not something you’ve been in the habit of doing up to this point, you may want to plot those planning moments on your calendar now.

Planning daily is critical. Does it work best for YOU to plan…

      • Before you go to bed each night – a brain dump that might help you sleep better?
      • In the morning as a part of your time with God?
      • First thing before you begin your day of work?
      • At the end of the day – the last thing you do before you end your work day?

Find a planning rhythm that serves you well!

3. Your Communication Routine

Today there are more ways than ever to communicate and yet over and over again I hear how communication is at the root of so many issues! No matter what you do for work, communicating well and in a timely fashion makes you to stand out in remarkable ways! Having a regular rhythm of communicating also enables others to know when to anticipate your response.

What’s your rhythm of communication – the rhythm you will respond to important texts, emails, phone calls, etc.?

4. Your Follow-Up Routine

No matter what you do, follow-up must happen. It might be following up on a project, prospective clients, an opportunity, or even someone you’ve arranged to do work around your house. When you get hundreds of emails and have dozens of calls to return, following up is one way to ensure you stay top of mind for people.

What’s your system for keeping track of who you need to be following up with?

5. Your Time of Reflecting Routine

Your success depends on periodically stepping back and reflecting on how you are feeling, contemplating problems you’ve observed, as well as solutions.

I’ve gone into great detail on the topic of reflecting here.

What’s your rhythm for reflecting?

6. Your Wrap-Up The Day Routine

There’s no right way to do this as long as it works for YOU!  Do you end your day by…

      • Clearing your desk so you can start fresh the next day?
      • Planning the next day?
      • Responding to any urgent emails or phone calls that you’ve received?
      • Taking a moment to celebrating what you’ve accomplished?
      • Reflecting at a higher level around problems you’ve noticed or brainstorming solutions?

What’s the rhythm that would end your day on a high note and prepare you for the next day?

Having a successful groove to your day is all about establishing routines that work for YOU. The possibilities are endless and finding the right rhythms for you may involve some trial and error.

What rhythms are missing in your life that would enable you to consistently accomplish what’s most important?

I’ve shared six routines that are sure to enhance your work day. I suggest you pick one routine to start with – the one that will have the biggest impact on your productivity and effectiveness. Once that rhythm is mastered, move on to another rhythm, until you’ve successfully incorporated all six.

Remember, no routine is set in stone. As your life and work evolve and change, so will your rhythms.

What rhythm will you begin working on?

© Can Stock Photo / wenchiawang

Marvae Eikanas

Marvae Eikanas is an author, entrepreneur, ICF certified coach, Career Direct Consultant, DISC consultant, and HBDI practitioner. She helps her coaching clients sharpen their skills, face their fears, eliminate funky mindsets, hone their habits, and cultivate clarity so they can THRIVE personally and professionally. Schedule a consultation with Marvae here.


  1. Carole on October 16, 2024 at 10:11 am

    I love it when I can keep my rhythm. However, there seems to be many things that throw my rhythm out of whack. Some are my own doing such as wanting to be outdoors more before the weather turns. But many are out of my control. I really dislike it when my rhythm is disrupted. I feel like I need to find ways to be more flexible happily.

    • Marvae Eikanas on October 16, 2024 at 10:21 am

      Doesn’t it feel amazing when you are able to keep your rhythm?
      What would it look like to flex your rhythm to include the outdoors?
      What if you were to adjust your thinking/beliefs around the inevitable disruptions…aka distractions?
      Here is some additional food for thought Carole: https://leadlifewell.com/blog/stop-silly-distractions-from-sabotaging-your-success/
      Thanks for sharing – I know what throws your rhythm out of whack is what many others can relate to!

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