Change Your Life With Just One Word

Without the responsibility of driving I’m free to watch the world go by. That’s one of the perks to riding shotgun. And when traveling on the freeway, the world goes by at a rapid pace. That’s kind of how I feel as the end of 2019 is near – like the year has zipped on by! Normally by this time of year I’ve already settled on my One Word for the coming year. This year is different.
My One Word for 2019 was ABIDE. It’s helped me to be more aware of God’s presence moment by moment, and to encouraged me to wait expectantly in Him when life gets tough. Momentum is finally building; I hate to say good-bye to it. I’ve been tempted to hang onto it for another year.
Now that I’ve been adopting One Word to guide my year for the last seven years, I’ve learned that my word for the year remains a friend long after the year is over. I take comfort in that and eagerly await the One Word God sends my way for year eight!
I’ve already been contemplating the new year and all the possibilities ahead. The One Word I choose will be an important part of my future!
Making New Year’s resolution is the more traditional route people take to guide their year, but in light of the fact that only about 8% of the people who make them keep them (according to statistics put out by Journal of Clinical Psychology), this seems pointless to me. If it works for you – awesome!
My Guide
Allowing my One Word to guide my year has been significantly more valuable to me. In fact, it’s changed my life in profound ways! It all started after reading Jon Gordon’s One Word That Will Change Your Life. This is an inexpensive and quick read that I encourage you to invest in. It will serve you well for many years to come!
So much has happened since I began my One Word journey! Curious what I’ve learned? See what the last few years have taught me here. The best part, it’s been easy to incorporate into my life. And it’s given me something to focus on as life speeds on!
Here’s how you can begin your own One Word journey:
1. Pray
Ask God to show you what needs to change in your life. Is it time for you to switch up how you are using your time? Is it time to step out of your comfort zone? Where in your life or work are you most dissatisfied? What aspects of your life are you pleased with? Are there aspects of your character that need refining? Let Him show you what would benefit you if you focused on it in the coming year?
It takes time to ponder these questions and think through what you want your life to look like. When you land on the right word, you’ll know it’s right for you! Keep asking God to reveal your word to you. Sometimes my husband’s One Word doesn’t click in until January or February. Who knows – that might happen to me too this year!
2. Surround Yourself
Even with the best of intentions, your will fade to the background! How can you surround yourself with your One Word? I have my one word hanging on my wall in my office where I spend a good deal of time. This year I also purchased a bracelet that has leaves, trees, and bird charms on it. The trees remind me that I must be connected to Him (abide in Him) in order to bear fruit. The birds were a bonus – they symbolize God’s faithfulness to me.
Here are a few other ideas on how to keep your one Word top of mind throughout the year:
- Make it your screen saver on your computer
- Turn your wallpaper on your phone into your One Word
- Hang it on your bathroom mirror, the frig, or on your dashboard – places where you frequent!
- Create a painting or mixed media piece of art with your One Word
- Write it on a post-it-note and place it on your computer
3. Check-In
Periodically assess how you are applying your One Word to your life. You might do it once a month, once a week, or whatever is best for you. What changes do you need to make to align yourself with your word better? Celebrate the ways you are successfully letting your word guide your life. You may even wish to journal on how your One Word is guiding your life.
Without periodic check-ins, your One Word will drift to the background and have very little impact on your life.
4. Share It!
The more people who know your word the greater the odds are that you will keep focused on it. You may even wish to have a buddy who can check in with you and hold you accountable throughout the year.
What changes would you like to make in the coming year? Enlisting the support of a coach to assist you in making the desired changes in your life and in your work will help keep you on track!
Ready for the challenge – what’s your One Word for the coming year? What’s your experience been like if you’ve already jumped on the bandwagon?
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