It’s What You Can’t See That Really Matters!

It’s common to focus on the externals – what others see, but it’s actually what’s inside you that really matters! You know – the stuff that’s hidden, but really holds you altogether personally and professionally! While learning to sew doesn’t seem as in vogue these days, I was eager to learn. I tackled my first…

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Ponder This If You Are Feeling Overwhelmed


Stress on steroids – that’s what feeling overwhelmed is like. In the Atlas of the Heart, Brené Brown describes feeling overwhelmed this way: “If stress is being in the weeds, feeling overwhelmed is like being blown (a term from her waitress days to express that she was beyond her edge). Overwhelmed means an extreme level…

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Stress! Surprise – It Isn’t All Bad!


Stress gets a bad rap! In and of itself, stress is not a bad thing. The right amount of stress actually boosts brainpower, aka cognitive function, expands your potential, builds resiliency, helps to fend off illness, increases creativity, and motivates. Some pretty desirable traits – wouldn’t you say? So why does stress conjure up such…

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Kiss That Overwhelmed Feeling Good Bye!


No one is immune! I’m certain you’ve had that overwhelmed feeling at some point. It’s possible that you are feeling that way right now! You might describe the sensation as feeling buried or like you can’t keep your head above water. You might even feel paralyzed. It’s the feeling that surfaces when something feels like…

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Solutions to Help You Stress Less

The most wonderful time of year is often the most hectic and demanding time of year! When you combine whatever typically occupies your time eleven months out of the year with the holidays and attempting to reach whatever goals you set for the year in December, it can spell STRESS and leave you filled with…

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Escape that Overwhelmed Feeling

If I had a nickel for every time someone expressed feeling of overwhelmed to me, I’d be a millionaire! Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but overwhelm has reached epidemic proportion! I bet you’ve felt it a time or two! It’s not a great feeling. It limits your capacity, blocks creativity, and hijacks your…

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How to Increase Gratitude & Beat Stress

Throughout the year there are seasons when the activity level rises: the holidays, before school starts and wraps up – even tax season can make for extra work personally that can be stressful for you as a leader. Extra activity can also be created by unexpected circumstances – good or bad! There are also seasons…

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7 Dangers to Skipping Breaks

Frequently I’m so energized and focused on my work that time has a way of slipping away. I love when that happens. They call that sense of being in the zone “flow.” It feels like the only thing that matters is what I am doing right now. I am fully present. Time is on my…

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What in the World is Your Body Trying to Communicate?

It’s not new for cars to warn us about possible issues. Even base model cars have MIL – the malfunction indicator lamp also known as check engine light. Cars also come standard with things like an odometer, speedometer, and a fuel indicator, which are incredibly handy and help circumvent some seriously inconvenient moments! These days’…

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