The Truth About Why You Keep Procrastinating


Procrastinating – it’s a vicious cycle. The more you put something off, the more you dread it. And sadly, putting something off never makes it easier! Saving for retirement provides a concrete example of what procrastinating costs you. It’s no secret that the earlier you start saving for retirement, the better off you’ll be. Starting…

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The Power of Motivation

Sailing works best when the sails are able to harness the wind, enabling the boat to glide across the sea and get where you want to be. In the same way, motivation is the wind that, when harnessed, provides the energy that enables you and the people under you to work more efficiently and ultimately…

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Guess What – Knowledge Isn’t Everything!

I did it AGAIN! I know I have a reputation for being dangerous in the kitchen with knives, but I’ve managed to go quite a stretch without cutting myself. It’s true! That “stretch” all came to a halt recently when I was blissfully chopping cilantro for the burritos I was making for dinner. Not only…

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